Before You Order

Please take the time to read this page. It will save "especially you" a lot of headaches, time and money.


1. In order to give you a shipping cost,we MUST have an item no# AND the destination zip code.


2. Contact the cemetery where the memorial is to be placed. It will be helpful to them if you give them the dimensions of the intended item, so they will be able to tell if you can have that size item placed in the intended spot or not. This is a 1st time incident for us so far, but a customer had ordered an upright headstone from us, then called almost 2 weeks later to explain that what was ordered was not allowed in that particular area of the cemetery. Chances are, they didn't give their dimensions of the intended headstone to the cemetery grounds people. We will NOT refund any money due to any errors, not caused by our staff. We are not responsible for contacting cemeteries, but we can do it as a courtesy service if requested. Click here to search for your cemetery contact information.


3. You have up to 7 days to call and cancel your headstone or bronze marker order once we receive it. After 7 days have gone by, there will be absolutely NO REFUNDS and your order will be processed and delivered within 4-8 weeks. For bronze markers, your delivery time is 8 weeks.


4. You have up to 7 days to call and make changes to your headstone or bronze marker order. After 7 days have gone by, there will be absolutely NO REFUNDS and your order will be processed and delivered within 4-8 weeks. For bronze markers, your delivery time is 8 weeks.


5. We have no control over any of the cemeteries. They charge what they want and they allow what they want on their property. It is your sole responsibility to check with the cemetery and pay the cost, if any, to place your item on their grounds.


6. It is your responsibility to either be at the cemetery or have someone there when the package arrives. That is just for your own investment protection. You don't have to, but it's HIGHLY recommended. We will contact you as soon as the item is ready to be shipped.


7. Affordable Headstones do NOT install monuments. You will have to check with the cemetery to see if they will install your headstone. Many cemeteries charge to install headstones, so be prepared. Some will allow you to have your own installer install the headstones, and some will even allow you to install it yourself. If you do plan to install the stone yourself, some helpful information to help with the installation can be found right here.


8. If you are unable to find a reasonable price for your installation needs, contact a construction company or someone you may know that is a stone mason (bricklayer).


9. Check with the cemetery to make sure they will allow "Lithichrome" on your headstone or not. Some cemeteries allow it, and some don't. By all means, just make sure so you don't pay for a headstone that you won't be able to use, nor will you be able to get a refund.








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